本月初,上海新天地,徕卡相机中国首家官方专卖店盛大开幕,徕卡相机全球首席执行官Oliver Kaltner、徕卡相机全球监事会主席Dr. Andreas Kaufmann、徕卡相机大中华区董事总经理Siegmund Dukek都亲临现场,让我们全面感受到了百年光影世家的魅力。开幕之后,色影无忌专门邮件采访了徕卡相机产品经理主管Stefan Daniel,而我们也对徕卡相关产品与市场动态提出了大家关注的几个问题。
精力充沛的徕卡相机全球监事会主席Dr. Andreas Kaufmann接受色影无忌提问。
1) As we have noticed, several of the newly launched Leica 35mm cameras choose to use 24mp CMOS instead of Sony'sCMOS like other cameral manufacturing companies. 24mp CMOS are the products of CMOSIS, a company that even doesn’t have its very own factory. But it turns out that 24mp CMOS performs quite well, so can you talk to us about this kind of deep cooperation between Leica and CMOSIS?
色影无忌:你好,Stefan Daniel,我们注意到徕卡新近推出的SL相机使用全新的2400万像素CMOS图像传感器,而不像行业内其他相机生产商那样选择索尼的CMOS,这款新 CMOS供应商来自一家鲜为人知的新兴企业—— CMOSIS ,他们甚至没有自己的工厂。不过这款CMOS的表现似乎相当不错。是否可以谈谈你们与CMOSIS的这种深度合作?
Stefan Daniel:Leica is sourcing globally and uses a worldwide purchase network in order to secure high-quality components that are used in our premium cameras. Please kindly understand that supplier details are subject to confidentiality. However, regarding sensors, we can say that they are custom made to fit the requirements of for example the Leica M steep incident angle. This results in superior image quality, even with older Leica M lenses.
Stefan Daniel:徕卡相机公司通过全球采购网络进行采购,以确保用于生产徕卡相机的部件都是高品质的。同时,有关我们供应商的资料都属于保密信息,敬请理解。不过,关于图像传感器,我们可以透露的是:我们使用的所有传感器都是供应商按要求为徕卡量身定做的,比如针对徕卡M系列而打造的传感器。即使配备旧款的徕卡M镜头,这也保证了徕卡相机的卓越成像品质。
2) Companies including Sony and Canon have brought about a high-resolution battle of CMOS in the new era, and all their CMOS have reached 40 or even 50+MP. What’s your opinion on this? And does Leica have plans to research and develop its own CMOS?
Stefan Daniel:Leica’s developments are strongly focused on customer benefits. Currently, we are convinced that 24MP in full frame sensors provide great resolution, on top of that this pixel count enables us to have very fast and reactive cameras (Leica SL=11 fps). So for the foreseeable future, we do not aim to fight a “pixel battle”.
Stefan Daniel:徕卡相机的产品研发始终致力于关注用户利益。目前来看,我们确信2400万的全画幅CMOS图像传感器不仅提供了优质的分辨率,最重要的是该像素确保了相机本身的高速运作以及反应能力(徕卡SL系列:11张/秒)。所以在可预见的未来,我们不会参与这场“像素之争”。